Short Term Rentals as Investments
Easily the most popular real estate investing strategy lately has been short term rentals like AirBnB and VRBO. Many investors have been adding properties to their portfolios and are looking for unique financing to maximize returns. We have recently partnered up with a new lender that does just that. It works for short or long term investment properties but the loan programs allow buyers to qualify for financing based on the expected rental income of the new property. This means no employment verification, minimal documentation, and quick closings. The lender will look at the market rent for the property based on an appraisers guidance and it simply needs to cover the monthly payment. These programs only require a 20% down payment and even offers interest only programs on a fixed rate to keep payments low and maximize cashflow. If you’re interested in investing in real estate, this may be the program you’ve been waiting for. Give us a call and our mortgage pros can show you how to maximize your investment.